maltese health issues

Obese dogs are especially vulnerable to this health problem. These are usually … What Health Problems Are Common in Maltese Dogs? 1. For example, food tends to be trapped between the teeth, causing plaque and tartar buildup which, if untreated, can result in periodontal disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as premature tooth loss. These beautiful dogs were developed by crossing the Malteseand Bichon Frise, two well-loved toy breeds. Corneal abrasions and ulcers are injuries to the cornea caused by trauma, such as scratches. Dogs with predominantly white coats (such as the Maltese), and those with merle coats, are predisposed to congenital deafness. Other Maltese puppies’ health issues related to eyes are conjunctivitis, corneal abrasions, corneal ulcers. The dogs teeth should be brushed regularly, it should never eat sweets, especially human food. This can be fatal in some cases. This can be extremely serious and can be fatal. This is a sometimes fatal congenital heart condition and is the number one heart defect seen in all dog breeds. Grooming regularly and removing the offending hair can solve the problem. Also, because of the abnormal blood flow around the liver, it makes it difficult for the liver to fully and properly remove all toxins in the blood, resulting in toxin build-up in the kidneys and/or bloodstream. It is not uncommon for dogs with a single layered coat to have an array of skin issues, and the Maltese is no exception. Serious health problems in Maltese that can require expensive surgery dental disease – bad teeth and infected gums a weak windpipe (collapsing trachea) that causes chronic coughing loose knee joints (luxating patella) that cause lameness and pain However, this is often a progressive disease. There is a connection between congenital deafness and a gene for coat color in dogs. It most often strikes young pups under the age of one year old. At first glance, these two white-haired, small dogs look a lot alike, but each of the parental breeds brings something unique to the mix. The hair in the nasal folds may grow up against the eyeball and rub against the cornea. In general, the Maltese is a healthy, hardy little dog, but as in so many other breeds, certain health problems can arise. Other diseases that can happen for a Maltese dog comprise corneal ulcer, liver shunt, and congenital deafness. In more severe cases, signs include poor growth rate, weakness, diarrhea, constipation, drooling, increased thirst, increased urination, pacing in circles due to confusion, and/or seizures. A study into the common causes of death within dogs found that the Maltese died from cardiovascular problems … Depending on the severity of the problem, dogs with luxating patella may need surgical correction. Though generally considered to be a healthy breed, Maltese are not immune to this type of problem, so if you are interested in purchasing a Maltese, you should be aware of their common problems. The causes of this vary greatly and are seemingly unrelated. Extrahepatic shunts can be corrected by surgery relatively easily. Exercising and even walking can become overwhelmingly difficult. Coughing may also occur when the dog eats or drinks. Those adorable button eyes can be subject to problems, with blindness resulting in some cases. As they cannot hear, they fail to obey verbal commands. Some dogs are born with hearing loss due to developmental defects in the hearing apparatus. Bad body odors can be due to improper cleansing during baths and/or using inferior products; however, it can also be caused by such things as skin yeast infections. Signs include coughing (sometimes with an odd honking noise), intolerance to exercise, and/or wheezing. In general, Shih Tzu are considered a healthy breed of dog, but they can experience some health conditions. It results in diarrhoea or constipation as well as vomiting. The most accurate reading will be via a canine anal thermometer. Patellar luxation occurs when the bones of the patella are not aligned properly and as a result slip in and out of place, causing pain and an abnormal gait. Teacup Maltese breed has their consequences, and these compact size dog breeds are susceptible to the health issues compared to the regular Maltese.. As adults, the windpipes of tiny dogs can collapse, which causes difficulty breathing and makes it … This can cause severe discomfort and an inability to perform daily activities. The typical sign of this problem is a goose-honk cough, sometimes with gagging and harsh breathing, and made worse by stress and exertion. The Maltese may also develop eye ulcers, which, when treated quickly with topical medication, are not generally serious. These are graded on a scale from 1 to 6. This is a condition in which a dog's eyelashes grow abnormally. The Maltese Shih Tzu is a hybrid dog which was bred with a goal of eliminating known health faults present in the purebred parents whilst introducing the hypoallergenic coat of a Maltese. Also avoid snacks rich in starch and sugar. The normal body temperature for newborns is between 96-97°F. The abnormal blood flow may be left to right, or right to left. However, most dogs cope very well with a hearing disability, and they can be trained to respond to hand and light signals. Hip Dysplasia is common with some small breed dogs such as the Maltese. For some dogs, this can be managed for years; for others it will progress to heart failure. The Maltese is generally healthy and hardy, and has a lifespan of 12 years or more. Making sure that you provide proper daily care, keeping scheduled wellness checks, and being aware of the signs of certain health conditions will all work together to keep your Maltese puppy or dog as healthy as possible. Symptoms include coughing, weight loss, and intolerance to exercise. If you are going through a breeder to find your perfect little pup, take time to seek out a reputable breeder who will provide verification that your pup's parents have been tested for health defects and are healthy for breeding. This condition occurs when a dog’s colon becomes swollen and inflamed. However excessive discharge, any heavy crusting, or chronic tearing should not be ignored. Teacup Maltese - 12 Surprising Things to Know Before Adopt. The normal temperature of all dogs 4 weeks and older is between 99.5° to 102.5°F. Tiny puppies are fragile, and have problems keeping their blood sugar levels up. A Maltese is always solid white, or white with light tan or lemon shadings on his ears. Dental Problems A Maltese with a corneal ulcer usually avoids the light. Without surgery, 60 percent of affected puppies die within the first year. For the Maltese, many of the more commonly seen health … Another Morkie con is that although Maltese Yorkshire Terrier mix dogs are healthier than their purebred parents, there are still some health issues that are associated with this small dog. Bronchodilator drugs can treat mild to moderate symptoms. Although our breed is not commonly afflicted with serious health issues, as with all dogs as well as humans, there are health issues that may arise during the lifetime of our Maltese. are environmental conditions that can trigger this to happen. If there’s one common thread between the range of Shih Tzu health issues, it’s that their eyes can fail. Colitis. With asthma, prognosis is very good if a dog is given proper proper medications to control symptoms. There are several health issues that can affect a Maltese's ability to properly breathe, with asthma being a top concern. See my advice on → keeping your dog healthy (feeding, vaccinations, neutering, veterinarians, and more). This should be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Most cases of PSS are congenital in nature. If you are thinking of getting a Maltese, you need to know about the common health problems that may affect this dog breed. Hip and Leg. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This is a great time for you to ask any questions that you may have. Home   |   Privacy   |   Disclaimer   |   Contact Us. Exercise or Destruction, You Decide. Corneal ulcers are very painful and cause severe tearing, squinting, and pawing at the eye. Eye irritations caused by the dog’s long hai… With asthma, prognosis is very good if a dog is given proper. Murmurs do not always lead to congestive heart failure, but they can. a toy breed can suffer from a sudden acute injury to the neck, often caused when on on leash and collar. Bladder or kidney problems also pose a threat in your elderly Maltese, and even your pet which has been house-trained for years may suddenly disgrace itself. Keratitis. This is a disease that is rare; however, the Maltese is one breed that is more prone to this health issue than other breeds. A hypoglycemic attack may happen without much warning, although sometimes a dog with low blood sugar level may show signs of lethargy, weakness, restlessness, and tremors. There are several reasons why a Maltese puppy or dog will shake his head. Cute, fluffy, and loving- the Maltichon will make your heart melt. Corneal abrasions and ulcers are caused by scratches. Most small dogs have health problems related to their size. Dogs with mild hearing loss may act normally but those with significant hearing loss are less active and move more slowly and carefully. The Maltese is also susceptible to other health problems, such as eye problems (e.g. This is thought to be related to an autoimmune reaction, and will cause full body tremors; though, it is believed that a dog does not feel any discomfort or pain. Maltese Dogs Health Problems . Maltese health problems that are related to the eyes include: Maltese has long hair around the face. The severity of liver shunts will vary. Treatment may involve a low-sodium diet and certain medications to lower blood pressure. Too much toxins in the blood can easily lead to seizures in dogs. Treatment is available. However, not all dogs are … Health Risks for Teacup Dogs Doctors say common health issues for teacup dogs include hypoglycemia, heart defects, collapsing trachea, seizures, respiratory problems, digestive problems, and blindness. portosystemic shunts, are a congenital condition affecting the blood flow to the liver. Liver shunt, aka portosystemic shunting (PSS), is a condition that causes blood from the intestines to flow around the liver, not through it. The collapse of the trachea wall leads to a narrowing of the windpipe. Therefore, if. With this, the fluid that normally surrounds a dog's brain increases in volume. Therefore, while you may have heard that dogs should have a wet cool nose, having a warm dry nose is not necessarily a bad sign. The deafness is due to a lack of pigment in the hair cells that detect sounds. Puppies are seen quite often, due to having their scheduled puppy shots. Read more about insuring a Maltese? In a perfect world, they would never become ill! Patent ductus arteriosus affects many dog breeds including the Maltese. Liver Shunt. These dogs should receive regular dental care at the veterinarian as well as at home. The clear symptoms of diarrhea and blood in the feces are present no matter what the cause. The Maltese is a rather healthy breed; however, like all dog breeds, the Maltese is prone to certain health issues and conditions. This condition occurs primarily in older small breed dogs, particularly Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Malteses, and Toy Poodles. The main symptom of luxating patella is an intermittent hopping on the limb when the patella pops out of place. This causes blood flow to be diverted (shunted), which in turn causes the heart to work much harder than it would otherwise. According to pet experts, Maltese Dogs score out of 5 in the scale of breeds that are considered the most healthy dog breeds. During your dog's annual exam, the vet will check vitals, run tests on a stool sample, do a urinalysis, and check hips, back, elbows, and knees. Aside from the genetic predisposition to this. In addition, life span is also affected by health issues that a breed is prone to. Common Maltese health conditions Heart Murmurs (typically in older Maltese) As Maltese age, they are prone to heart murmurs. The Maltese is a healthy breed with few health issues, and will usually live well into the double digits. This can be a very painful and hard-to-treat condition. This checklist will help you determine the overall health of your puppy or dog, and alert you to red flags. Read more. And it is often fatal when present for extremely young puppies since they do not have the strength nor the size to tolerate the defect, and this brings them to a point of heart failure. Ulcers are deeper wounds that involve the middle and sometimes even the inner layer of the cornea. Some of the common dog health problems that may affect Teacup Maltese include dental problems, fragile bones, heart problems, low blood sugar, seizures, and more.. Here is my complete list of health problems in Maltese. Health Issues Common to Maltese. The thermometer should be inserted to the length that is equal to your Maltese's paw; this is typically 1/2 to 1 inch. Moderate to severe cases in which the lash touches the eye will need treatment. What are the most common health issues for Maltese? Fortunately, there is treatment for this and prognosis is good if caught early. C ommon Maltese health problems include issues that many small dogs have, such as hypoglycemia, tracheal collapse, and dental problems. Maltese are considered a relatively healthy breed when purchased from a reputable breeder. Maltese Dogs Health Problems Maltese dogs often tend to suffer from diseases such as hypoglycemia, dental problems, tracheal collapse, and luxating patella. With this, there is a genetic weakness in the rings of cartilage surrounding the windpipe that eventually leads to ring(s) collapsing inward. But, with the knowledge of these common dog health problems, you may be … It is important to understand these issues so that you can look out for symptoms and help keep your pup healthy. The Maltese is prone to dental problems, including tooth loss at an early age and gum disease. If you only bring your Maltese to the vet after he starts to show signs of an illness or condition, this can greatly affect prognosis, and for a host of issues will certainly lengthen the time that your Maltese is not feeling well. This includes ear infections, ear mites, and idiopathic head tremors, among others. The trachea (windpipe) is made up of rings of cartilage. Young puppies have a lower body temperature than older pups and adults. In some cases, using a quality nose butter can resolve those issues. This health condition used to be found almost entirely with just solid white dogs like the Maltese; however, it is now being seen with other breeds. Small breed dogs (such as the Maltese) appear to be at higher risks of developing extrahepatic shunts. However, if owners are aware of the problems that can occur, they are undoubtedly in a position to deal with them in the best manner possible. But doctors say the breeding history of teacup dogs can make these tiny canines more predisposed to certain health issues. A curious disease, as its name indicates, since this health disease is … The Maltese dog breed is prone to colitis. Maltese are 6.5 times more at risk to suffer from luxating patella than all other breeds according to a study published in the Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association in 2002. Other Maltese health problems that we need to pay attention to include: Luxating patella is a congenital disease in which the alignment of the bones and joints of the hind leg is abnormal, resulting in a displacement of the patella to the side of the joint. Even though the Morkie is considered a Toy breed, it will still … And a CBC (complete blood count) will be run. This is due in part to his size; toy breeds often live longer than their larger counterparts. Many of the health issues seen with the Maltese breed are genetic and others are due, in part, to environmental factors. Therefore, if your Maltese shows the above symptoms, take him to the vet immediately. Common Maltese Diseases & Conditions Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. The teeth in the small mouth are overcrowded and that makes it easy for dental problems to arise. This results in the collapse of the trachea wall as the dog inhales. The degree of PDA can be minor or severe. Eye Problems. This results in a heart murmur that can be felt through the body wall. In regard to wet Vs dry and cool Vs warm, it is actually normal for all of these attributes to vary throughout the day. Typically no treatment is required for a grade 1 to 3 murmur. Colitis can occur in a Maltese for just a short amount of time and clear up on its own or it may become chronic (lasting a long time – either in intervals or continually). With minor cases, dogs can live up to 10 years without major issues. Congenital deafness can affect one or both ears. However, with serious cases, surgery is often needed to save the dog's life. If you suspect that your Maltese may not be feeling well, it is a good idea to take his temperature. Malteses are intelligent, affectionate, and known to be one of the most gentle-mannered of the toy breeds. The Maltese has a good life span in comparison to many other breeds. Pure breed dog health problems are common, which is why responsible breeders will test for common genetic problems and provide a health certificate for their dogs. However, you will want your adult Maltese to be examined once per year, and your senior Maltese to be seen twice per year. If the murmur worsens to a grade 4, 5, or 6, there can be issues such as troubled breathing, coughing, and exercise intolerance. With this condition, the ball and socket of the dog's hip slips out of place. Veterinarian wellness checks are an important part of caring for a Maltese. This is sometimes due to problems with the nervous system affecting bladder control, or may be due to a urinary infection. There may be times when you are not sure if your Maltese is ill; is your dog just tired, having an off day, or could you be noticing signs of a more serious issue? And for this, it is recommended to keep a small notebook to jot down things that come to mind in between visits. Also, do not expose your Maltese to stressful situations that may trigger coughing episodes. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Eye Problems. There is no treatment for dog deafness. proper medications to control symptoms. He doesn’t do well when left on his own for long periods, so needs a home where his owners can dedicate time to his care and well-being. There are several health issues that can affect a Maltese's ability to properly breathe, with asthma being a top concern. Other potential health problems with the Maltese include hypothyroidism, glaucoma, dental problems and deafness. This said, drying to the point of visible flakes, peeling, and certainly cracks is a red flag. The Maltese is one of the oldest European toy breed dogs. But Malteses are susceptible to several health problems that are common to small breed dogs. The Havamalt is a wonderful little pooch who brings together the people-loving characteristics of the Havanese and the playful personality of the Maltesefor a fun, easy-going family dog that gets along with kids and other pets. Malteses have big bulging eyes, so it is easy for them to sustain injuries to their eyes. You will recognize this health problem when you find blood and mucus inside your dog’s feces. This will slowly increase to a temp of 100°F at the 4 week mark. Some are acquired and some are genetic in nature. Tracheal collapse occurs because the tracheal rings do not possess normal rigidity. Maltese Health Risks While the long lifespan of the Maltese does seem to show that it’s a healthy dog, there are some serious conditions the breed is predisposed to. Even though they are traditionally a pretty healthy dog breed, Shih Tzu’s are prone to a few health issues. Understandably so because of the small size of their mouth! corneal ulcers), luxating patella, congenital deafness, and more. The involved hair will be stained reddish-brown by the tears. Since breathing difficulties can be dangerous, it is important to have a diagnosis made as soon as possible. Ears, nose, mouth, and eyes will be examined. However, unfortunately this doesn’t always happen and some health issues and diseases are still present. It is advisable to use a harness (not collar) on a small dog like Maltese to protect the dog’s throat and airway. More studies need to be done; however, it is agreed that there. Considering to get a Maltese and need to know what are the common diseases or health problems that Malteses are prone to? Parasites in others the Malteseand Bichon Frise, as it is a great for... Grade 1 to 6 ; this is typically 1/2 to 1 inch problem when you blood! Steps to about the common health problems between the range of Shih Tzu are considered a breed. 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