question 24 which version of html introduced different document types

References In HTML. HTML 1.0 was very limited in terms of styling and presentation of content. It can be used with any HTML tag. Explanation: The

tag is used to insert the main heading or the highest level heading. HTML5 is the fifth version of HTML. HTML Web Basics Flashcards - Questions and Answers | Quizlet HTML Document can contain _____. Table tags. Explanation: The (underline tag) tag in HTML is used to display the underlined text. When the file delivered to the network, the HTML extension indicates that the content of file is HTML. It allocates the unique identifier which can be used by the JavaScript and CSS to perform certain tasks. Explanation: HTML tag to define options in a list. hypertext A method of organization in which data sources are interconnected through a series of links or hyperlinks that users can activate to jump from one piece of information to another. It is called a horizontal rule and draws a horizontal line. Comments in HTML begins with “”. It maintains both line break space. Blocks In HTML. The same goes for XHTML 5 vs. XHTML5. Question: The Current Version Of HTML Is, Which Was Introduced In 2010. Backgrounds In HTML . Duration: 1 week to 2 week. Explanation: The